One of the most unique things about Health In Kind is that we are a fully volunteer run organisation. From management to operations, we all are a part of this work because we believe strongly in the mission of Health In Kind. We understand how the spirit of volunteerism and shared purpose can bring people together to create lasting positive impact in this world.
We have volunteers from all walks of life who have skills and talents in various areas from medical professionals, mothers, accountants and students. But the most important skill is in this work is to just having a listening ear. Our ethos is service with kindness and compassion. So a listening ear and a heart willing to help is all that is needed for you to volunteer with us.
If you would like to be involved with Health In Kind, we would be delighted to discuss with you what best suits your commitment, resources and time preferences.
Some ways to participate in our programs include,
1. Volunteering at one of our health screening days
2. Education provision to school groups, public or health staff
3. Allowing use of health equipment or health spaces
4. Administrative matters
5. Translation services
6. Raising awareness of our programs
7. Operations and organisation of various activities
8. Updating website, brochures and other marketing materials
9. Becoming a referral option for pro-bono work when there is detection of illness that requires investigation, follow up and / or medical procedure
If you don’t have time right now to take part in our activities but would like to make a financial contribution to our programs, you most certainly can. The most urgent need is for our Free Hearts program. This program requires funds for purchasing the equipment needed at a Free Children’s Heart hospital in Fiji. Click here to find out more about this program.